Insight Ministries:
Insight into the Scripture, into the smallest dot in the Book of truth. Deeper insight into the both worldly and the spiritual meaning Hidden Massage in the Gods own will.
1. Topical and Typical perspectives of the word
2. Expositional and Expository
3. Extra or Miscellaneous
4. Bible commentaries.
It’s important to research the word because it is the truth, it is the life, it is the Spirit...
Life is a gift, but living is a cluster of choices and decisions. Nothing is just by chance you. Your life is not an accident but a pre-creative preparation and plan by God almighty the creator.
Visiting our Home page (Website)”Renewed life gospel mission” an Internet Based Evangelistic Mission network” is a typical choice you have just made with advantageous and adventitious tendencies. We are a Christian evangelistic network sowing the seed of life everywhere and everyplace where there are fields. It is for us a privilege to have you stop by.
If you are seeking a bible-believing Christian network, an association of the saints and the saved, spirit filled believers with renewed minds redeemed and chosen; then welcome and join us. We are a non-cultural and non-denominational international Christian fellowship internet worldwide. We desire to reveal the love and compassion of God and to spread the gospel/good news to all and sundry.
Our massage is just “JESUS CHRIST”.
His Teachings: deep rooted wisdom “the bible is inspired of the Holy Spirit”
His Preaching: that shades light “I am the light of the world”
His Healings: that loosens “Woman thou art loose”
His Deliverance: that sets free “anointing breaks the yoke”
His Undiluted: Truth that sets free “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free".
While you go through this home page the Lord might be speaking to you, please yield to the living God. Here you shall be delivered “upon mount Zion there shall be deliverance and the people of God shall poses there possession”.
What is the purpose of this home page for you and me?
This homepage has a one central purpose.
“TO SPREAD THE WORD OF OUR LORD GOD AND THE SACRIFICE OF HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON JESUS CHRIST” Other subordinate reasons for this Home Page are as follows:
To help people find out more about the various problems in this world, and the various ways they can help do something about these problems, or help people with these problems.
It is to help people who have a problem, or need help, find the help they want or need.
This site is designed like several sub headings that are all branches from this front page; from biblical teachings to poetry as well as photos and so forth.
What exactly do you desire in life?
What is the life for you? Are you fulfilled, have you received from our lord Jesus Christ? Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?
Be rest assures that you will certainly receive from the Lord in Jesus Name. Amen
Other purposes of designing this home page are to help you discover ways and lasting solutions to…..
To help you learn about the various biblical solutions and ways to the lasting resolutions to various problems existing in our society and this world over.
Help you get ideas for things you can do about some of those problems. Every idea we have or we use in the world today originate direct or indirect from the bible.
- Help you make decisions; it builds your conscience based on the holy word of God which is the Truth, Spirit and Life. When you are choosy you can have a righteous tread to follow in order not to make mistake.
- Make it easier for you, and easier others who care, to do something positively effective.
- Give people who are in need and those who may need help, useful materials to sturdy or to read, and sure possible sources of help.
Let stop being among the silent majority; instead lets join the active and lively minority in search of the truth, in search of the way and in search of life in abundance. Identify your ability and capabilities. Realise the elevated position Jesus has set you upon.
Hosea 4 verses 6 the Bible states that “My people perish from a lack of knowledge/vision”.
Too many people sit back and do nothing. They may not know what they can do. They may not know how serious some things are. They may not realize that even if they don't have money, they can still help. Social works; help for the children, the elderly, the sick, the confused and the ones still wallowing in ignorance.
Some people need help, but don't know where to find it. This will hopefully be a useful starting point for them. The more all of us care about other people, the better life can be for everyone.
There are other reasons for this home page.
To love in Christ Jesus. I am called to teach the undiluted truth, to spread the good news and to help people. I think its one of the best things I can do for myself just as my saviour did helping people and for them to help others:
1. Preaching the good news
2. Teaching the truth
3. Healing the sick and the afflicted
4. Delivering the captives from the strong man oppressing them.
There is another way I can help them.
- using the internet
This gives us the opportunity to use this medium to reach those We might never have ever reached in life
Utilise the talent of writing is an effective form of communication
I enjoy doing something I love doing helping others, especially children and teenagers and the youth at heart.
Proverbs 23:7
7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
For some time now the Lord has imprinted it deep into my heart to research deep and connect these three scriptures for the congregations to see. It is in our minds that the warfare is ragging. The strongholds depend on our persecutions and our deep understanding. Renew you mind and your thinking today. Think heavenwards; think like Jesus. Remember, every thing is possible with Christ. Every thing shall be possible if you follow Him and think like Him.We need to nurture our minds and hearts with the truth and the word. Conscience with the love of Jesus, only then can we be transformed to change the world.
Heb 12:2
“2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God”. We are the world changers not the world conformers and enrichers. We bring a renewed vision, a renewed knowledge of the scriptures and the light of the resurrection which now shines from heaven, from the thrown of God with Jesus as the bearer.
Romans 12:1-2
1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Pastor GOC, Ogaraku (Akaraka)
or call.
0049 (0) 160 9184 6185
0049 (0) 152 2579 2706