Your glory in rising again

Be resilient and subtle, be invincible like our master Jesus,. He rose, even from death and came out of the grave.

“For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked are overthrown by calamity” Proverbs 24:16 (AMP)

May I call you out now to come out of your;;;;;

  • Graves of discrimination acts
  • Deeps of emotional or psychological depression
  • Mess of debt and financial stupor
  • Evils of institutionalised tribal religious and race isolations
  • The shame of communal hatred and self neglect
  • Flee from any form of perpetuations of physical embarrassment and do not dwell in acts of sexual harassment


 “For I know that my Redeemer and Vindicator lives, and at last He [the Last One] will stand upon the earth” Job 19:25 (AMP)

God is the ultimate vindicator, the just and the final Arbiter and HE lives

ü Have you been misunderstood, wrongfully represented, intentionally maligned and cheated out.

ü Have your good work failed you, have your due honour been given to another or stolen or usurped from you.

ü Have you been institutionally rejected and neglected by you own people and church, the members of your worship hated you and refused to recognise your contributions and your worth and qualifications.

ü Have your family turned their back on you, stripped you of your pride and power and even discriminated against your own children

ü Have you gone through emotional and psychological decapitation, physical harassment, spiritual embarrassment and have been forced to capitulate and compromise your faith

ü             Have you been subjected and forced to do thing you dislike, sexually harassed and even cheated. Have you been accused of  doing things you never thought of doing

In all these and many more, remember to declare like Job did “For I know that my Redeemer and Vindicator lives, and at last He [the Last One] will stand upon the earth”

"The greatest glory in living lies not, in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."  Nelson Mandela